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E D U C A T I O N :
1996 - 2001 MFA, Konstfack, Dep. of Fine Arts, Stockholm
Fall 2000 Otis College of Art and Design - Dep. of Fine Arts, Los Angeles, USA
Mixed University studies 151 points e.g.: History and Theory of Art, History of Science and Ideas, Chinese

S O L O - E X H I B I T I O N S :
Gerlesborgsskolan, Hamburgsund
2002 Fears for Tears, Jönköpings Länsmuseum, Jönköping
2001 I could be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky (with Nikolaj Recke), Galleri Enkehuset, Stockholm
the private party, Galleri Konstfack, Stockholm
1999 A Member of Your Family Will Be Going to the Moon, Galleri Konstfack, Stockholm

S E L E C T E D - G R O U P - E X H I B I T I O N S :
Shilling Banco, After Shopping, Kulturhuset, Stockholm
Stockholm ArtFair
Arghh, Edsvik Konsthall, Sollentuna
2002 "KOTC", Risk It, After Shopping, Kulturhuset, Stockholm
0703-161523 - Mobile Phone Party, After Shopping, Kulturhuset, Stockholm
"Two-headed rabbit" and "Lena Malm and Johan Malm", Galleri BB, Stockholm
2001 "Next Generation", REAL PRESENCE/Generation 2001, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
"Do it yourself!", Graduates, Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm
"Have you ever wondered how many people have the same name as you? I did."
Outlanders, Waygood Gallery/Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art(part of pre-opening programe), Newcastle, UK
2000 "I love America...II", Stranger in Strangers Land, Bolsky Gallery, Otis, Los Angeles
"The honeymoon by Ulf and Marianne Malm, Cave, Konstakuten, Stockholm
"Cloned Four Leaf Clovers", Artspace, Arlanda Airport, Stockholm
"Shooting Stars", Artspace, Arlanda Airport, Stockholm
"Cloned Four Leaf Clovers", World exhibition EXPO2000, Swedish Pavilion, Hanover, Germany
"Portraits", Sampling, Vita Havet, Konstfack, Stockholm
1999 "Have you ever wondered how many people have the same name as you?I did.",
Public Service, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
The Crac Boat, The archipelago of Stockholm
FESARS - First European Seminar For Artist-Run Spaces, Konstakuten, Stockholm
"Boxes Going Bananas", 120 points, Galleri Enkehuset, Stockholm
1998 "The Birds", StuffIt, Gallery Y1, Stockholm
1996 Young Painters, Bohusläns museum, Uddevalla, Fredrikshamn, Denmark, Wick, Scotland
"Whatever happened to Charlotte?", Vårsalongen, Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm
1995 Space Magic, Rotor Gallery, Göteborg
Comment on Zorn, Göteborgs Konstmuseum

S E M I N A R S :
Real Presence, Moderna Museet, Stockholm 2001
Public Service, Moderna Museet, Stockholm 1999

M O R E :
Art project for the magazine 00-tal 2003
Art project for the magazine Glänta 4.01 2001
Guest teacher at the art school Idun Lovén 2002 and 2003
Guest teacher at the art school Gelesborgsskolan, Bohuslän 2002 and 2003
"Have you ever wondered how many people have the same name as you?I did.", Synk, Swedish Television website 1998
Border member www.united net-works.org

G R A N T S :
2002 Stockholm City Council art award
2001 Frimurarstipendiet (Freemason grant)
Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse
2000 Konstfack
Stiftelsen Kjellbergska Flickskolans donationsfond 1995, 1999 och 2000
1999 Fredrika Bremer-Förbundet
Gustaf and Ida Unmans Donationsfond
1997 Stiftelsen Längmanska Kulturfonden
1996 Theodore and Hanne Mannheimers fond
1995 Otto and Charlotte Mannheimers fond


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